International Journal Club of the Oral Health and Community Dentistry Group Held at the School of Dentistry
The International Journal Club of the Oral Health Group was conducted under the Appraise to Raise program at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in the School of Dentistry.
Successful Conclusion of Dynamic Navigation System in Implant Dentistry Webinar
We are pleased to report on the success of our recent webinar on the Dynamic Navigation System in Implant Dentistry, hosted by the Department of Implant, Implant Fellowship at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Upcoming Implant Webinar on Dynamic Navigation System in Implant Dentistry
The Department of Impant, Implant Fellowship at Tehran University of Medical Sciences is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar on the Dynamic Navigation System in Implant Dentistry.
International Deputy of Dental Faculty Visit Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia
Dr. Amir Raei, International Deputy of the Dental Faculty, and his accompanying delegation visited the Privolzhsky Medical University in Russia.
Cooperation between Tehran school of Dentistry and Baghdad School of Dentistry
Signing an agreement of academic cooperation between Tehran School of Dentistry and Baghdad School of Dentistry during visit of Baghdad
Organizing winter school
Organizing a winter school at the Faculty of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
12th International Student’s Dental Conference 2024 at University of Sharjah
Zohreh Moradipour's outstanding achievement
Opening of the digital line of the Faculty of Dentistry in Tehran University of Medical Sciences
The Digital Unit of the Faculty of Dentistry was opened with the presence of Dr. Hossein Ghenaati, President of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.